outside of the NYC DryBar

inside view

finished product
Several weeks ago Jac and I traveled to NYC for Coterie and showroom appointments. Of course as per usual we found plenty of time to have fun and pamper ourselves. I had read several pieces of press about this new phenom DryBar and discovered that the one in NYC had opened the day before we arrived! Perfect timing. I immediately got on the phone and made Jac and me appointments before we went out Saturday night for Brandon's Bday. It is hair mecca. For $35 you get a yummy cocktail, wash and condition, and a blowout! Everything is based around cocktail time, including the names of the hair styles to choose from. For example, I chose the Mai Tai (Beach waves) or one could go with the Cosmo (sophisticated curls). Needless to say I would be a member if I had a location within 60 miles of my house. Memberships are of course categorized as "Barfly" and "Regular". I mean really? Could this place be more perfect for me? If you are in LA or NYC anytime soon, one really must experience such bliss!